Blazor Framework: Everything You Need to Know

Blazor is a modern open-source framework made by Microsoft. It is used for building interactive web UIs. It allows developers to create single-page applications and web components that can run on the server or the browser.

Blazor framework provides a more seamless and responsive user experience. Blazor applications can be hosted on any web server, including Azure. This framework allows you to easily integrate with existing  .NET services and libraries. Blazor is part of the .NET ecosystem and is fully compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard.

Building UI in Blazor Framework

Blazor is a framework used for building interactive web UIs using some languages instead of JavaScript. It allows developers to create professional web UI experiences using HTML, CSS, and C#.

Using HTML

Building UIs using HTML in the Blazor Framework involves creating an UI component that can be used over and over again using HTML. A component that can also be used across multiple pages in a Blazor app. Here is how to get started with building UIs using HTML in the Blazor Framework.

1. Understand Blazor Framework

The number one thing to do is to understand exactly what Blazor is and what it does. Understand that the Blazor framework was built for the interactive web. Learn how to use Blazor components, directives, and bindings to create your UI.

2. Use Razor Components

Razor components are UI components that can be used over and over again, and they are frequently written in C# and HTML. You can learn how to create Razor components using the @page, @component, and @using directives. Learn how to pass parameters and handle events.

3. Utilize Blazor’s Built-in Components

Blazor comes with a set of built-in components such as input fields, buttons, and lists. These components can be used to create UIs quickly. Learn how to use these components and how to customize them using CSS.

4. Use JavaScript Interop

Also, Blazor provides a way to call JavaScript functions from C# and vice versa using JavaScript interop. You have to learn how to use the JavaScript interop to add third-party libraries and plugins to your Blazor app.

5. Practice Blazor Coding Regularly

Like most coding languages, the more you practice, the better you become . That’s what makes Blazor coding amazing—the more comfortable and confident you will become when you keep trying it.

You can try building a simple Blazor component, such as a login form, a product list, or a chart. Then you can gradually move on to a more complex component that involves multiple pages. That includes data binding from APIs or databases.

6. Learn From Online Resources

Furthermore, you can also try out learning on YouTube. There are many online resources, such as tutorials and courses, to learn from. Some channels even contain documentation that can help you learn Blazor. Use these resources to learn new Blazor techniques and stay updated with Blazor standards.

Using CSS

CSS is an essential part of building UIs in the Blazor framework. CSS allows developers to style their application attributes. It also helps them customize their applications’ visual elements to what they desire.

1. Getting Started with Blazor and CSS

You need to first have Visual Studio 2019 installed on your computer. Then create a new Blazor Server App project in Visual Studio by going to File > New Project > .NET Core > Blazor App (server-side).

Once the project is created, open the project in Visual Studio and replace the defaults with your own. In order to add CSS to your Blazor app, create a new CSS file in the project’s Assets folder.

Add the following CSS code to the new CSS file:


     .my-component {

       background-color: #f2f2f2;

       padding: 20px;

       border: 1px solid #ddd;

       border-radius: 5px;



2. Adding CSS Styles to Components

You can also add CSS styles to your components. By using the @page directive in your component file to import the CSS file.

Using C#

C# is another tool to use in making an interactive web in Blazor. Here is a guide on how to build UIs using C# in Blazor:

3. Install the Blazor SDK

To get started with Blazor, you need to install the Blazor SDK. You can do this by running the following command in your command prompt:


dotnet tool install -g dotnet-new-blazor


4. Create a new Blazor project

Once the SDK is installed, you can then create a new Blazor project using the following command:


dotnet new blazor -o MyBlazorApp


This command will create a new Blazor project named “MyBlazorApp” in the current directory.

5. Run The Project

To run the project and see it in action, you have to navigate to the project directory and run the following command:


dotnet run


This command will also start the Blazor server and open your default browser to http://localhost:5000.

6. Understand The Blazor Architecture

Blazor is built on top of ASP.NET Core. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Here’s a brief overview of the Blazor components:

Model: This is the data that your UI displays. It is represented as a C# class.

View: This is the UI that the user interacts with. It is represented as a Razor component.

Controller: This is the logic that handles user input and updates the model. It is represented as a C# class.

7. Create your first component

To create your first component, navigate to the “Pages” folder in your project. Create a new Razor component named “Counter.razor”. Here’s an example of what the component should look like:



<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

<button @onclick=”IncrementCount”>Increment</button>

@code {

    private int currentCount = 0;

    private void IncrementCount()






We are creating a simple counter component that displays the current count. A button to increment the count, and a private field to store the current count.

8. Add Components To Your App

In order to add your new component to your app, navigate to the “Program.cs” file. Also add the following code to the “Main” method.





This will add the necessary services to your app. This is so it can render Razor components and use Blazor’s server-side rendering.

9. Run Your App

After adding the components, you run your app using the following command. This will start the app and display your new component.


dotnet run


Hosting Models

Blazor readily offers two hosting models. They are Blazor Server, which is currently the only production-supported model. And Blazor WebAssembly, which allows  .NET to run in the browser on WebAssembly.

Blazor framework is solely based on components, which are elements of UI such as pages, dialogs, or data entry forms. Also, note that the name “Blazor” is a combination of the words “Browser” and “Razor”.

This indicates that it can execute Razor views on the client, making it irrelevant to run them on the server.

Hosting A Blazor Application On Azure

Hosting a Blazor application on Azure is a fast and straightforward process.. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

1. Create an Azure account

If you don’t already have an Azure account, you’ll need to create one. You can sign up for a free Azure trial on the Azure website.

2. Create a new Azure App Service

Once you have an Azure account, log in to the Azure portal and create a new Azure App Service.

3. Deploy your Blazor application

After creating the Azure App Service, you’ll need to deploy your Blazor application to it.

4. Configure your Blazor application

After deploying your Blazor application, you’ll need to configure it for Azure.

5. Test your Blazor application

After configuring your Blazor application, you can test it by accessing the Azure App Service URL in your web browser.


Blazor is open-source and supported by the.NET Foundation. It is suitable for building full-stack web apps without writing JavaScript. It can be used to create new web apps or modernize existing Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms apps.


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