Can Apple Watch Be Hacked? What You Need to Know

For years, Apple has touted some of the most secure consumer devices on the planet. The company is highly regarded for ensuring privacy squarely based on solid encryption, secure user authentication, and frequent security updates.

Apple Watch runs the watchOS, which is built on the same kernel as iOS, the Operating System running in iPhones. Because of this tight integration of iOS and watchOS, Apple can implement some of the security policies consistently across its devices. The question is: Can Apple Watch Be Hacked?

Well, no system is unattackable, and with highly technical security features, an Apple device can be compromised. As we progress in this article, we’ll answer your question, “Can Apple Watch be hacked?” By looking at some possible means.

Can Apple Watch Be Hacked? How An Apple Watch can be Hacked

Ingo Joseph, pexels

Let’s evaluate some of the ways hackers might compromise an Apple Watch:

1. Bluetooth Vulnerabilities

Apple Watch connects primarily via Bluetooth to an iPhone. This opens a certain avenue of attack as Bluetooth connections can be compromised in certain instances with techniques such as man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks or bluejacking, unsolicited messages over Bluetooth. These types of attacks or vulnerabilities are few and are usually further mitigated by the short range of Bluetooth at about 30 feet.

Apple was safe from Bluetooth-based hacks for various reasons, including pairing encryption that ensured the connected devices were secure. However, users are compelled to exercise great caution over possible Bluetooth vulnerabilities while in public areas where the attackers may be within proximity to them.

2. Wi-Fi Attacks

Other vulnerabilities could include those Apple Watches that have cellular capability or connect through Wi-Fi networks. Among the common methods that hackers use to steal data in devices connected to unsecured or compromised networks are Wi-Fi spoofing and eavesdropping. Essentially, what happens is that a false Wi-Fi network that looks exactly like the real one gets created. Once targets have been lured into hooking onto it, the attackers can intercept private information sensitive to the owner, such as logins or other personal information.

At least this is mitigated with the Apple Watch, which prompts for passwords and authenticates to the iPhone over encrypted channels. Furthermore, Apple has added improvements like Wi-Fi Assist, which automatically toggles the watch back to cellular data if the Wi-Fi network has a bad or open connection.

3. Malicious Apps

Like any other smart device, the various apps installed on it can easily make the Watch prone to security vulnerabilities. If an offending app of sorts makes it through the review process onto the App Store and then gets on board the Watch, that could give it unintended access to sensitive information it should not get: health data, contacts, or messages.

The App Store does happen to be one of the most policed platforms, as Apple enforces very strict policies on developers concerning data access and usage. Apple does have a review team that checks apps for security threats before they surface in the App Store for anyone to download. But in rare instances, such malware apps have slipped through this process onto iOS. The same can be said to happen with watchOS anytime soon.

4. Phishing Attempts

Some hackers send a notice to the target Apple Watch via SMS or iMessage with a malicious link. In case it is clicked by some user and forwarded to a phishing site or even for stealing personal data exploits, his or her information gets compromised.

The operating system design in Apple mitigates these fairly common kinds of attacks by sandboxing applications from one another or at least limiting what damage a phishing link can do. Also, there is a link preview on messages that could help users identify suspicious links even before opening them.

5. Misuse of Health and Fitness Information

Health and fitness tracking is one of the top-selling points of the Apple Watch; as a function, it tracks heart rates and activities, even conducting ECGs. This information is highly sensitive and once compromised, could easily become a valuable asset in operations such as identity theft, insurance fraud, or even blackmail.

Although health data rests encrypted in a device and transit to iCloud, such data can be part of a larger target in any hack greater than that against Apple’s servers or a kind of vulnerability in the cloud. There is no report of any large-scale hack of Apple’s storage of health data up to this time; such an attack cannot be foreclosed.

How to Protect Your Apple Watch from Hacking

While Apple has taken many steps to make the Apple Watch very secure, there is much that you can do yourself to add to an Apple Watch’s security and prevent hacks. As we answer your question “can apple watch be hacked? We’ll consider some ways to protect your watch from hackers.

1. Keeping watchOS Updated

The most direct means of ensuring that your Apple Watch is kept safe against security vulnerabilities is keeping up with the software updates. Periodically, Apple releases operating system updates that provide patches for known vulnerabilities and other improvements to security features. You may enable Automatic Updates, or manually check for an update through the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.

2. Use a Strong Passcode

Set a good passcode on your watch to block the undesired ones from entering your watch. Please avoid simple combinations like “1234” or “0000”; just make it something a bit more complex.

3. Enforce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

With 2FA even if someone manages to steal your password, they won’t be able to get into your account without that secondary verification code. Since the Apple Watch syncs with your iCloud account, then enabling 2FA is another means of keeping information safe among all Apple devices.

4. Beware of Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks have no or very poor security, so linking your Apple Watch to them is not recommended. If you really must connect, make sure your connection is encrypted by a Virtual Private Network VPN so you can protect yourself from possible eavesdroppers.

5. Bluetooth Pairing Monitor

Always pay attention to which device your Apple Watch is pairing up with. If you see some other unknown pairing request, or if some odd-sounding sort of connection comes up, make sure you immediately cancel that.

6. Disable Automatic Unlock

If your Apple Watch is set to automatically unlock when in close vicinity of your iPhone, disable the feature-especially where that could affect the security of your iPhone. It is safer to use a passcode on the Watch manually when probably in an insecure environment.

Final Words

Can Apple Watch be Hacked? In theory-yes. Like any other device connected, the Apple Watch cannot fully protect itself from hacking attempts. The same can be said about the relatively low possibility of your Apple Watch getting compromised due to robust security protocols from Apple.

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