In this article, we’ll go over the Snapchat planets (Snapchat solar system order), so you may figure out who your closest Snapchat pals are.
Snapchat Plus, the premium membership program, has several amusing features, such as Snap Planet Order. Snapchat planets are currently popular among its users since they reflect your relationship with other users.
The membership program, which went live less than a week ago, gives members access to “a variety of exclusive, experimental, and pre-release features.”
If you want to have these features as well, we can show you how. But first, let’s look at Snapchat and planets.
Snapchat Planets Meaning
Snapchat’s Friends Solar System is an interesting way to see your social connections through the prism of celestial bodies. In this approach, each Snapchat acquaintance is given a planetary identifier based on their importance in your digital cosmos.
Just as planets vary in size, distance from the sun, and composition, so do your Snapchat friends’ emotional proximity, shared interests, mutual support, and communication frequency.
Just like our solar system’s eight planets orbit around the sun, so do eight of your closest pals at varied distances. Analyzing Snapchat planets and their arrangement can help you understand your social network dynamics. This may help you prioritize interactions with those who are actually important to you.
- Mercury: Close confidants
- Venus: Supportive acquaintances
- Earth: Close contact with casual communication
- Mars: Colleagues or classmates
- Jupiter: Mentors or well-wishers
- Saturn: Long-distance relationships
- Uranus: Random connections
- Neptune: Estranged friends
Snapchat’s Solar System employs the familiar language of emoticons to map out your friendships, transforming your interaction data into celestial bodies orbiting your social sun.
Every emoji orbits your Snapchat character, delivering a visual representation of who has gravitational pull in your virtual social circle. Understanding the meanings of emojis allows you to express yourself more effectively.
So, the next time you open Snapchat and see your personalized solar system of pals, remember that each planet plays a unique role in forming the constellation of relationships that define who you are online.
Snapchat Planets Order Best Friends
By now, you should have a better understanding of Snapchat and Snapchat Solar System Planet ordering. The order refers to arranging your friends in a planetary order, similar to how planets round the sun. You are given eight spaces in the form of planets with various qualities to assign to your buddies.
If you are allocated Neptune, it indicates you are the furthest buddy. And if you are designated the Mercury friend, it indicates that you are the closest friend. Snapchat Planet Order is represented by a visual representation of planets. This implies that you can only identify a planet based on its color and other characteristics. For example, Mars is visually reddish in color.
The following is the Snapchat Solar System Planet Order:
1. Mercury

Mercury is the solar system’s nearest planet to the sun, representing its proximity to our star. This is also true in Snapchat Planet Order, where the planet nearest to you gets assigned to your friend’s circle.
If you’re allocated Mercury, it signifies you’re your pal’s best friend. The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Pink colored planet
- Red hearts around the planet
2. Venus

If you are allocated the planet Venus, this signifies you are your friend’s second best friend on Snapchat.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Beige colored planet
- Pink, blue, and yellow hearts
3. Earth

If you assign your friend or your friend assigns you the planet Earth in the Snapchat Planet Order list, you or your friend will be ranked third on the list.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Green and blue-colored planet
- Red hearts and moon
4. Mars

If your friend assigns you Planet Mars, you are the fourth most popular friend near your friend. Some users may be dissatisfied with the Snapchat Planet Order, but that is how Snapchat created it.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Red-colored planet
- Purple and blue hearts around the planet
5. Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet in our solar system. And if you assign your friend as the Jupiter planet, he or she ranks fifth out of eight other pals.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Orange-colored planet
- Pink, blue and yellow stars around the planet
6. Saturn

Next on the list is Saturn, with its magnificent rings. Assigning this to a buddy indicates that they are in the sixth planet order on Snapchat.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- A yellow-colored planet with a golden ring around it
- Pink, blue and yellow stars around the planet
7. Uranus

Uranus is the seventh order number in the Snapchat Planet Order, out of the eight friend slots that Snapchat allows. The friend on your friend list is farther away from you as the planet moves.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Green-colored planet
- Yellow stars around the planet
8. Neptune

Neptune is the final and eighth planet in the Snapchat Planet Order. If you are allocated to the planet Neptune in the Planet Order system, you will be ranked eighth on your friend’s list.
The planet’s features are described as follows:
- Blue-colored planet
- Blue stars around the planet
Navigating to Different Planets
Snap Map Planet: Swipe down from the camera screen to get Snap Map Planet. You can view location-shared photos from your pals on a worldwide map, providing a sense of real-time connection.
- Chat Planet: Swipe right from the camera screen to enter the Chat Planet. This is your instant messaging hub, where you can send text messages, audio notes, stickers, Bitmojis, and even make video calls.
- Camera Planet: When you open the app, you are taken to this planet. It is the center of the Snapchat universe, where you can take and share snaps. You can capture photographs or videos, use filters and lenses, and share them with friends or on your story.
- Stories Planet: Swipe left on the camera screen to access Stories Planet. Here, you may see your friends’ 24-hour photos and stories from various publications. It’s a one-stop shop for all the information and stories shared by your relationships.
- Spotlight Planet: Swipe right from the Stories Planet or left from the Snap Map Planet to enter the Spotlight Planet. Here you can see short, entertaining videos from the Snapchat community. It provides a forum for everyone to express their creativity, humor, and expertise.
Tips for Maximizing Your Snapchat Plus Experience
- Stay Active: Regularly snap and speak with pals to keep or increase your standing in their solar systems.
- Explore Features: Discover more Snapchat Plus features such as custom icons and rewatch indicators.
- Engage Creatively: Use Snapchat’s capabilities to make your interactions more enjoyable and frequent.
Snapchat Planets Gone
Snapchat does not eliminate planets; nevertheless, it appears that a recent update disabled this feature for many users. If the friends solar system isn’t working for you, it’s probably because this feature has been disabled.
To remedy the issue of Snapchat planets not working, simply re-enable the functionality. To do so, go to your profile, press “Snapchat+”, and then enable the “Solar System” toggle. After then, see if you can see any planets.
If the Snapchat planets feature does not work for all of your friends, it is most likely because you are not among their top eight best friends. Instead, you may be on their top 16 best friends list, which is part of the extended best friends feature available with Snapchat Plus.
Snapchat Planets Guide
There are numerous things to look into on Snapchat. Among the most popular features is Snapchat’s Planetarium. In this lesson, we’ll show you how to make the best use of the Snapchat Planetarium function. The first step is to run the app and point your camera towards the sky.
There will be numerous distinct stars and planets. To begin, select a star or planet and start exploring. Simply press to zoom into any object.
Once you’ve zoomed in, move your finger left or right to flip between views. If you want to learn more about an object, simply hit the “i” icon in the top right corner. This will open additional information regarding the object.
One of the best features of Snapchat’s Planetarium is the option to put items in your images. To do this, select an object and then press the “add” button in the bottom right corner. This allows you to position the object wherever you want within your snap.
You can also resize or adjust the angle to meet your requirements. As you can see, there is a lot to discover with Snapchat’s Planetarium function. Therefore, get out and begin discovering today.
How To Move Up in Someone Else’s Solar System
Do not worry, Neptunes. There is still hope of becoming your BFF’s Mercury. If you want to take the Mercury place, you can do a few things to get ahead of the competition.
- Interact with friends: Snapchat Planet activity increases when Snapchat friends interact. It sounds simple, but engaging with the Sun more frequently will improve your Solar System rank.
- Use Snapchat regularly: Going days or even weeks without opening Snapchat will jeopardize your chances of securing that Mercury slot. Maintain regular activity to boost Friend Solar System activity.
- Keep your streaks going: Maintaining long-term streaks with pals (i.e., the Sun) may help you advance in their Solar System.
There is still time to become the new Mercury, so take your newly acquired wisdom and shake that Neptune spot for good.
How can I get Snapchat Plus?
Would you like Snap Planets and other premium features? Get Snapchat Plus. Premium membership costs $3.99 per month. It allows you to customize your Snapchat experience with additional features such as Snapchat planets (Snapchat best friends list planets).
You can also test a 7-day free trial and decide whether to keep or cancel your subscription. To get your free trial, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your Snapchat profile.
- Tap the Snapchat+ banner card toward the top of the screen.
- Select a subscription to start your 7-day free trial.
How to Enable or Disable Snapchat’s Solar System
As previously stated, the Solar System function is exclusively available to Snapchat Plus members. Snapchat automatically assigns a planet to the eight friends you snap and talk with the most. Solar System is off by default, so you must enable it using your profile options. Here’s how to toggle Solar System on and off on Android and iOS devices.
Open Snapchat, tap your profile image in the top-left corner, and then select the Snapchat+ option from the profile settings screen.
To enable or disable the Solar System feature, go to the Snapchat+ feature management page and tap the toggle on the tile.
Changing the Order of Planets in Snapchat Solar System
Snapchat uses an algorithm to determine ‘Best Friend’ status. However, by increasing or lowering the frequency of interactions with specific connections, you can add, remove, or shift their position in the Freind Solar System. In brief, once Snapchat’s technology detects a shift in your social gravity, the planetary order of your closest friends in the app’s Friend Solar technology will realign to match your current social cosmos.
To add a contact to your Best Friends list, improve your interaction frequency by sending snaps, engaging in chats, and building rapport with the chosen contact. As your exchanges expand, so does their standing in your emoji world. Stepping back from sending snaps or opening chats may lead the algorithm to reorganize the planetary order of your contacts.
Remember, Snapchat’s Solar System is more than simply a fun novelty. It’s a smart social gauge that measures your amount of engagement with pals.
How Do Snapchat Best Friends and Friends Planets Work?
Snapchat’s Friends Solar System works by assigning one of you or your friends as the Sun and the other as a planet based on the strength of your friendship on the app. There are eight tiers, each with a planet.
Mercury determines the closest friendship, and Venus represents the second closest friend. Earth, Mars, and Jupiter disclose their third, fourth, and fifth closest pals, respectively. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune occupy the last three remaining spots.
The friendship levels in Snapchat Plus’ Friends Solar System correlate to the positions of planets in the real solar system. It’s also worth noting that you and your friend must have a linked Bitmoji to use the feature.
How Can I Try Friends Solar System with a Free Snapchat+ Trial?
With Snapchat+’s 7-day free trial, you can test out Snapchat’s new Friends Solar Systems feature and discover which planet you are in your friend’s galaxy. Snapchat+ typically costs $3.99 per month, $21.99 for six months, and $39.99 for a year in the United States.
If you don’t want to pay a lot of money on a membership but still want to know where planet you are in your friends’ solar systems, the free trial will help. Take these steps:
- Update your Snapchat app to the most recent version.
- Launch the app and navigate to your profile.
- Find and tap the “Snapchat+” banner.
- Review the material and select a plan.
- Tap the “Start 7-Day Free Trial” button.
- Finally, select a payment option for your subscription.
Once your free trial begins, you can navigate to a friend’s Friendship Profile, locate the Best Friends or Friends badge, and tap on the golden border surrounding it. In this manner, you’ll discover which Snapchat planet you’re on in the Solar System of friendship.
Will Snapchat Planets be available to everyone anytime soon?
Snapchat’s Friend Solar System, also known as Friendship Planets, is now only available with a Plus subscription. To gain access to Snapchat+, you must either pay for a membership or begin your free trial.
It is now unavailable to free users. Unfortunately, Snapchat appears to have no intentions to make it available to all anytime soon. If it’s an experimental function, there’s a chance the app will make it available to all users soon.
The Snapchat Planets feature is also now limited to specific places due to the Snapchat+ subscription’s availability in only a few nations. The company intends to make the premium tier available globally in the coming months.
What do planets on Snapchat mean?
Snapchat assigns a planet based on how close you are to another user. This is determined by how frequently you snap and interact with one another. The Friend Solar System is only available for Snapchat+ users; you won’t see this feature unless you have an active subscription.
What order do the Snapchat planets go in?
The planets in Snapchat’s Solar System signify a friend’s rank. Mercury is the closest friend, indicating the tightest bond. Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune follow in that order.
Snapchat Planets is a fascinating Snapchat Plus feature that provides a novel way to display your social connections. Using this tool allows you to enhance your Snapchat engagement and have more fun with your friends. The Snapchat Friend Solar System showcases your closest friends and encourages more interactions. This makes your social interactions more vivid and entertaining.